Have you heard of Nashville’s SOUTHERN ARTISAN CHEESE FESTIVAL?!
Cheesemakers and food artisans from eight states come together to celebrate the growing movement of handcrafted foods here in the South. Festival attendees sample any of hundreds of small batch cheeses, cured meats, jams, breads, crackers, pickles, and more. The good folks who create these amazing foods are here to chat and will offer their goods for sale so you can take home your favorites. Regional craft beers and a selection of cheese-friendly wines are included with your ticket to sip while you nosh and socialize.
You can get VIP tickets for $80, General Admission tickets for $45, and Lil’ Cheesy (aka Economy tickets) for $29. You can also get tickets to the kick-off event the night before.
Saturday, September 27th
2:00 – 6:00pm
at the historic Neuhoff Building in Nasvhille, TN