Now that everything’s melted away and our Nashville blizzarding times are just a memory, we can reflect a little on the weekend that was. And it was cold. But also, super fun — especially in East Nashville, where our team tends to spend a lot of time.
Even if you didn’t venture out of your warm house to sled in Shelby Park, take photos of slow-flecked trees or otherwise explore the winter wonderland, you could see a lot of that fun just by checking in on social media. Which we did. Quite a bit. Because it was hilarious and heartwarming in equal measure.
If you haven’t been totally clear on East Nashville’s draw, this wintery weekend offered a clear image of why a lot of us love the neighborhood so much. It’s stocked with beautiful homes, incredible restaurants, fantastically helpful and neighborly neighbors and awesome grown children who haven’t forgotten how to have a good time, even if the city’s all but shut down for a few days.
In part to capture the memories for posterity so we can get some good giggles, grins, oohs and ahhs later, we gathered up a bunch of our favorite East Nashville moments from snowstorm Jonas. (Harder to share but at the top of the list: the many, many folks helping to pull neighbors out of ditches, deliver heaters to folks whose power went out and more. Cheers to pulling together, East Nashville.)
Check out some of our favorite East Nashville snowments:
Park + ride
Shelby Park was home base for Jonas sledders — doubly awesome that an enterprising neighbor with a drone captured aerial shots to give us all a YouTubed birds eye view to remember the fun with.
Cold Chicken
A lesser-known Nashville specialty.
Stolen snowma’am
East Nashvillian Henry DeVaney and friends built a beautiful snow ma’am named Easton Trinity Lane, and returned home from being out to find that she’d be kidnapped. She was never found. Our thoughts are with you, Henry.
An only-in-Nashville snowman(dolin)
So, maybe that’s a guitar, but mandolin worked a lot better for the pun. At any rate, East Nashvillian Tyler Gates’ snow handiwork was inspiring, and we’re glad it was captured before the temperature jumped.
The coolest guy in East Nashville
Very literally. East Nashville artist Casey Promise upped the snowman ante considerably by creating this well-dressed guy. (Other folks rose to the occasion, too. He was just one of our favorite snow creations, alongside a giant unicorn, snowghosts with glowing eyes and — another contender for top billing — David Snowie.)
Sunrise in Shelby
Neighbor Bret Granstaff caught this moment, all soft snow and pink sunrise and smoke on the water, and shared it with the neighborhood Facebook group.
Oh, deer
Photographer Shannon Stapleton captured a magical moment in Shelby Bottoms, as this majestic deer skipped through the snow.
Bride-to-be, all in white
Local photographer Zach Harrison’s job gave him a different kind of snow day — this shot is a standout from a bridal shoot he did Saturday with a perfect, snow-white backdrop.
A white wedding
And, of course, the story that spread as far as the TODAY show: Jessica Reed and John Pyle, who trudged through the snow to the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge Friday to get hitched.
Has all this cemented your desire to join the East Nashville ranks? Give us a call, and let us help you find a fantastic Eastside place to call home.
For starter inspiration, one of our featured listings: 1408 Lillian Street, a gorgeous new Lockeland Springs home, inspired by historic Craftsman design.